The boy named Crow

   The story Boy Named Crow is an excerpt/part from Kafka on the Shore by a japanese author named Haruki Murakami .He is one of the popular contemporary Japanese writer and translator. His work is best know as 'easily accessible, yet profoundly complex. His work is a 2002 novel that has been published in Shinchosa, Japan.

    This piece of work is one of the best novel that can be a model to many teenager who are planning to run away from their home and experiencing some family problem.

     The boy named Kafka is planning to run away from his home in Tokyo, because of his mother and sister. He talks about his plans with his imaginary friend/alternate ego which is the boy named Crow. After that day is his fifteenth birthday and he has taken an big amount of money from his father. Crow warns Kafka that he will face many trials on his journey, and he must be the strongest and toughest teenager ever to survive it.

     The excerpt from Kafka on the shore entitled, The Boy Named Crow has a well structure text and wordings. The way he compare fate into sandstorm is very creative. It is well explained in the text. It is chronologically arranged that can easily understand by the readers. No  confusion might build  because the words used by the author is just simple, no flowering word and jargons, althought uses symbolism.

       The topic is all about how  teenager who try to run away from their home think and made a plan. Nowadays, When a child has a problem in their house, they try to run away because they feel that it is the only way to solve it. Also they're thinking that they can solve a problem just by themselves, like in the story he wants to find his mother and sisters by his own. Even if they know they cannot sustain in the up coming problems and consequences of their decisions. The topic is critically analyzed and implied to create more knowledge and ideas.

       This topic appeals to many teenager who are facing some problems and solve it by their own or run away with it. This story can enlighten the mind of many teenager or even anyone. This will help them to think rationally and critically on what decision they will choose and to think wisely. If we will think outside the box and understand this deeply, we can get many lessons. This lessons can help us to be more practical, better person and decision maker.


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