Review of Dead Stars ( by Paz Marquez Benitez)

Main Characters:

Alfredo Salazar- son of Don Julian and a bachelor
Ezperanza- wife of Alfredo and a fortunate woman who has the gift of uniformly beauty
Julia Salas- the other girl of Alfredo and sister in law of Judge Del Valle


       · House of Don Julian
·         House of Jugde Del Valle
·         Church of Our Lady Of Sorrow
·         Calle Real

Theme: Forbidden Love

Point of view3rd person point of view

Conflict:·         Man Vs Himself
o   He needs to decide wisely because one wrong decision can affect his future
·         Man Vs Society
o   Because he is afraid of what the other people say about him without knowing his side

Expostion- Alfredo’s family talked about the engagement of 
Alfredo and Esperanza
Rising Action-When Alfredo meet Julias Salas and developed
their feelings for each other
Climax- When Julia Salas found out the engagement of 
Alfredo and Esperanza
Falling Action-Julia Salas said goodbye to Alfredo to make
 sure the wedding with Esperanza happens.
Denoument-Esperanza and Alfredo get married and he
 realized that his love to Julia Salas is like a dead star 

The story "Dead Stars" was written by Paz Marquez Benitez and her story became famous because she exposed some of the common problems in a relationship like falling in love to others while you are already in a commitment, It is a common circumstances but the plot of the story is very meaningful.
It is a great story that because it let the society know that "Love" is very complicated because it can lead us to do such a wrong things that can affect not only to us but also to people that we love and all the people around us. As a human it is common to make mistakes but we should apply to ourselves the quote of Martin Heidgger that "Human has limitation." which means that we are the one who create our destiny because it is always our choice. I can connect that sayings to Alfredo because he is engage to Esperanza so that he should stop his feeling to Julia immediately. I know feelings are hard to resist, but not all the time we should follow our hearts. There is such thing as learning, we can't force everything. I know falling inlove is a natural thing but in all the case we should always think of doing the right thing instead of doing what we want. I once fall in love with some one but it can't just happen perfectly, there is always a downside, so let it go. Why chase where in the first place you'll just end up being hurt again and again.
It gives us moral lesson in life that we should need to become wise in making decision because our decision decides what will happen to our future and also in the right time, we need to become faithful to our partner to have a healthy relationship.
Sometimes having a crush or being in love to others is like a dead star it can be see but it doesn't exist, like to our feelings to a person, it will fade/die soon because sometimes we just feel happy but we didn't analyze it tremendously like Alfredo Salazar when he meet Julia again she don't have any feelings to that girl anymore.


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