Review of Fry Botod

Title: Fray Botod
Author: Graciano Lopez Jaena
Main Character: Fray Botod - a cruel, greedy, lazy, and
lustful friar.
Settings: Philippines during the Spanish Era
Point of View: Second Person Point of View (most likely in the author's persona)
Theme: Satire on the Spanish Friars
Summary:Fray Botod is an embodiment of a typical Spanish Friar's characteristics. In each part of the character sketch, there were certain scenarios that highlighted a key trait of Fray Botod( a bad traits).

  Fray Botod is a meaningful and useful story that criticized the Spanish people particularly the priest because they are greedy in everything.
  We are colonized by the Spaniards and the priest because of their are power in the society that time.They control us so that I understand why Spanish priest use his position to hurt Filipino people like giving a threat or penalty to the students. having a relationship to others. The priest don't do his responsibility very well because he always want to play cards and he is also a selfish priest, he prioritize himself first to have a lot of foods. Most of them are suffering from the Spaniards because they are not treated as a individual and they don't feel that the human rights is still exist in that time.
   The Filipino people don't have a voice to reach out what they feel because the priest is one of the powerful people in that era. The priest making sure to that people become afraid to him in order to maintain his power and the benefits he is gaining..
     Graciano Lopez Jaena wrote this story because he wants to enlighten the mind of Filipino people that we need to fight for justice in any scenario and also they will protect our country to the colonizers.


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